Something like this can describe the activities of the SMARTLINE Concierge Service.
Five years ago, I purposefully looked for a job in the concierge service and found the best option. During this time, the market situation has changed, competitors have appeared, but we are still the best.
Just after three months of work, you get a feeling that you are a real Google or at least Wikipedia. The answers to questions arise by themselves, and I knew where to find anything, or found someone who knows.
At first, friends and relatives begin to appeal to you and then customers notice this.
You could say I grew up in a SMARTLINE GROUP — professionally and personally. Thanks to the company, I became a business coach, I received a certificate from The International School of Hospitality.
Work in the SMARTLINE Concierge Service is a real school of life. Here, you can learn everything — from paying utility bills online to booking a presidential suite in Singapore.
Every morning I go to work because of the people around me.
SMARTLINE is a community.